The number of new lands being discovered increase each year that I am living. It astounds me how the world never seems to end. For example, the Portuguese began their slave trade with their exploration of the African coast. Asia is also a highly popular destination as it contains the valuable and sought-after spice islands. In the mainland, lands I have only recently heard of are said to be exotic and foreign in their customs, languages, and countenances. Some of these lands are China, Vietnam, and Japan. My own country of France is struggling to make a name in trade, especially in India, but is still unsuccessful as the British and the Dutch are overpowering trade.
The Americas are also becoming increasingly popular with the establishment of Spain and Portuguese empires. I only wish that my country will follow suit and create a colony in Canada after my own name. There is still hope as I have heard of interested parties in my own country. Concerning Spain and Portugal once again, I have heard news that the Spanish are currently maintaining an large and prosperous empire in South America along with Portugal maintaining its own in Brazil. My own country has its own colonial empires which include large areas of the West Indies, where we have created “sugar factories.” The British are also making a name for themselves in the Americas with their British North America. It amazes and saddens me to see that they are so ahead of France.
Jacques Cartier
I pray that another group of foolish and selfish people do not come to the New World. Although the Spanish have made a great fortune, it came with a great price. I don’t know how many Natives were tortured and brutalized to bring them their great success. If you wish for France to colonize in the New World also, ask your king to make strict rules and regulations against brutal treatment of any people who might be living there. It can set an example and change the whole colonization mindset which was seemingly based upon taking control of a weaker people for your own benefit. To me, it would be the first time that a country as a whole, would base colonizing upon a fair and noble cause.